Water Damage

Signs of Water Damage in Your Home or Building

September 7, 2022

Water damage is a significant issue that occurs far more frequently than people realize. It can happen to any home or building, old or new, at any time and result in various problems. Any leaks, such as a damaged pipe or leaky roof, can cause severe structural damage, worsening over time if not properly repaired and maintained.

Because water is such a destructive element, it’s crucial that every homeowner and commercial building owner takes precautions to prevent water damage from occurring on their property. Even the most well-built foundation can succumb to water damage at some point, and detecting signs of water damage can be challenging because they are not always visible.

This article will discuss the various types of water damage, signs of water damage, and what to do if it occurs.

Continue reading below to learn more and discover why National Catastrophe Restoration, Inc. is the most trusted choice for water damage restoration services in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

The Different Types of Water Damage

Water damage to residential or commercial properties can be frustrating and difficult for any property owner. While identifying the obvious signs of water damage is crucial to identifying problems early, understanding the various types of water damage can also help prevent various health issues resulting from water damage.

Here is a look at the three different types of water damage that determine the level of contamination in the water:

Clean Water Damage

Clean water damage is typically caused by broken water supply lines, sink overflow, clogged lines, and rainwater or flooding water. While the water in this category is easy to clean and repair and is safe for human health, it quickly evolves into a more harmful type of water damage when clean water is exposed to dirt and other contaminants.

Grey Water Damage

Grey water damage includes unsanitary water with some degree of contamination but no fecal matter. Water in this category typically results from bathtubs, washing machines, dishwashers, and other common household water sources. Because grey water damage has biological or chemical hazards, such as bodily fluids or laundry detergents, it is harmful to human and animal health and should be repaired promptly.

Black Water Damage

Black water damage is the most hazardous kind of water damage. This category of water damage is not only extremely unsanitary and highly contaminated, as it often stems from groundwater flooding, sewage backups, or storm surge. It also leads to severe illness, disease, and infection. As a result, the water is loaded with contamination, microbes, and biohazards and requires a skilled professional to decontaminate, remove, and clean black water damage.

5 Signs of Water Damage

Knowing how to spot water damage and what to look for in your home or commercial building is essential for eliminating any potential cause of water damage or resolving the issue. Water damage can have severe consequences for the integrity of your home or commercial building and severe health implications. However, water damage is not always immediately visible or easy to detect.

Here are five things to look for to identify any potential signs of water damage in your home or commercial building that could cause problems in the future.

Water Stains or Discoloration

Water stains are one of the most visible signs of water damage on walls. Stains and minor color discolorations on the wall, floor, or ceiling that appear for no apparent reason are most likely the results of an undetected water leak in your roof or walls. Be sure to also look for discoloration at the corners where the walls meet the ceiling and floors.

Mold Growth

Mold growth is one of the most dangerous signs of water damage. Mold can grow anywhere there is moisture and oxygen, and the presence of it indicates a severe problem. Luckily, professional water damage restoration services can find the source of the mold problem, remove it, and help prevent future mold issues in large mold outbreaks.

Soft Spots or Paint Damage

Water damage causes wood, drywall, and other hard surfaces to buckle and warp. When these materials absorb water, their structural integrity is jeopardized and can become dangerous. If you notice flaky or bubbly dry walls or ceilings, it could be a sign of water damage.

Musty Odor

Musty odors are another common sign of water damage, though the damage must be extensive for it to smell. Most areas with this odor are also likely to be damp and humid, so inspect any areas of your property where you notice this odor for other signs of water damage, such as stains and mold.

Strange Noises/Dripping

As we previously mentioned, water damage is not always visible. Water leaks are often identified by scratching or rushing noises and could indicate water damage within the walls of your property.

What to do When Water Damage Occurs

Water damage can cause structural damage and thousands of dollars in repairs. While knowing how to detect water damage is crucial, knowing what to do when water damage occurs can save you an immense amount of time, money, and stress in the long run.

If water damage has happened to your home or commercial building, here are some steps you can take to prevent further damage and protect against harmful mold and bacteria.

  • The most important thing to do if you discover a water leak or a source of water damage is to act quickly. Water damage can cause severe structural issues over time, resulting in unsafe living conditions and expensive home renovations.
  • Remove pets, children, and accessible valuables from the house or building, particularly if the damage is extensive.
  • Turn off the breaker box, but only if it is in a dry part of the home. If the breaker box is near water damage, contact your utility company and request that the electricity be turned off from their end.
  • Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to discuss the extent of the water damage.
  • Once you’ve determined that it’s safe to reenter the home or building, the sooner any cleanup and water damage restoration can begin, the better. Contact a water damage restoration professional within 24 to 48 hours to reduce the spread of mold and the risk of severe structural damage. Calling a professional restoration services company is the best option to assess the extent of the water damage and the amount of work required to make your property habitable again.

Trust the Water Damage Restoration Experts at NCRI

Water damage is more than just an eyesore. Ignore it, and it will spread, eventually rotting the structure of your home or business. As a result, it’s critical that you repair the source of the water damage as soon as possible to prevent mold and structural damage and health implications.

If you suspect that there has been water damage in your commercial or residential property, it’s critical that you call professional water restoration services to repair the source of the water damage as soon as possible.

At National Catastrophe Restoration, Inc., we’re committed to being the most trusted choice for water damage restoration services for commercial and residential properties in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

Our highly trained and certified water damage restoration technicians has over 50 years of experience with large-scale and localized water damage disasters. Regardless of the extent of water damage, we have the resources and flexibility to handle any emergency. You can rely on NCRI’s water damage emergency response teams to respond quickly and effectively.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about our water damage restoration services, please contact National Catastrophe Restoration, Inc. today and speak with one of our specialists about how we can assist you.

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